Sunday, November 30, 2014

An Open Letter to Dr. Nancy Snyderman:

Dear Dr. Snyderman,

It has come to the attention of many (CNN, most recently) that you have been conspicuously absent from the airwaves for longer than "necessary" following your infamous takeout run.  To refresh, this was in violation of your voluntary quarantine following on-site reporting in Liberia with a crew that included cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, who became infected with Ebola.  This is the voluntary quarantine that you imposed in order to "approach this very cautiously, and probably more judiciously than other people, because we want to send the right message".  The trouble is, this wasn't the right message, and you knew that.  You knew that because you didn't abide by the guidelines, knowing they were not necessary.  You never had contact with Mukpo.  In fact, no one had contact with Mukpo once he developed a fever.  None of the crew was at risk, and you knew that.  Yet, you sent the opposite message because it continued the narrative.  You were caught in the inconsistency, and the state of New Jersey promptly imposed a mandatory quarantine in response not to clinical evidence or public health and welfare, but to public outcry.  We all know what happened next.  Your credibility has been called into question; however, I don't question it at all.  Without apology, I question your integrity as a physician. 

Best regards,

Dr. May

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