12:00 Dose of Ebolology: How dangerous are Dr. Spencer and Nurse Hickox's Actions?
Drumroll for an anticlimax......
They are not dangerous. Neither of these extensively trained professionals have done anything wrong that will endanger the public. Please think it through for a minute: both of these individuals gave large blocks of their time to put themselves at risk (actual risk) in order to curb the spread of disease. Why in the world would either one then turn around and callously enable the spread of disease? That narrative does not make sense.
Craig Spencer was monitoring himself. When he developed a low-grade fever (and was not likely to be shedding virus), he immediately and properly sought treatment under strict isolation.
Kaci Hickox is not sick. As of this point, there is no evidence that she is infected. If she is, and later develops clinical signs, she will be isolated.
These people are servants of humanity, and deserve our respect. They do not deserve to be demonized. Finally, and more practically, they are not dangerous.
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