Friday, October 17, 2014

3:00 Dose of Ebolology: Expect the Insanity to Grow (but not necessarily the Ebola)

Apparently people have been starting to present with fevers that they would ordinarily shrug off, terrified that they have Ebola even though there is virtually no index of suspicion (in other words, no way they could have contracted it).  It’s mid-October, which is relevant here because it’s almost flu season and norovirus season.  If everyone who vomits and/or has a fever rushes to the ER under the assumption they have Ebola during flu and noro season…hold on to your freaking hats, folks.  If you remember nothing else from today, remember this point: There will be more fevers…but not necessarily more Ebola.  Also, get a flu shot.  

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