Thursday, October 30, 2014

4:00 Dose of Ebolology: Ny, NJ, and Kaci Hickox

New York, New Jersey, and Kaci Hickox

Imagine you have just spent a month away from home.  You've been in 100+ degree temperatures, in cumbersome gear, doing work that can only be described as truly emotionally draining.  I'd imagine looking forward to seeing my loved ones, breathing fresh air, and sleeping in my own bed.  After hours of transit, you're finally back in the US!

...and you're immediately taken into custody.  You do not know why.  You are forced to miss you connecting flight, because you've been detained by authorities.  You have not broken any laws, and do not have a lawyer.  You were on your way home, and did not imagine you'd need one.  You did not imagine that the states of NY and NJ had gone insane during your flight.

You are taken to a tent.  It is not heated.  No one is allowed to come in and see you without being "cleared" by the authorities detaining you.  You are not sick, but they are telling you that you are a threat to the public.  You've seen sick people, ironically, and know exactly who poses a threat to public health.  You are being held, and no one is telling you when you can leave.  No one is telling you who has the authority to hold you.  You have, effectively, lost your right to Habeas Corpus when you have done nothing wrong.

That is what happened to Kaci Hickox.  She is not sick, and poses no risk as of now.    

That is why she is so angry.  You know what?  She has every right to be.  We should be angry on her behalf.

(NOTE: I am currently writing this in the great state of Maine, where Kaci is out and about on her bike right now.  Ride on, Friend~)

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